Omni API V4
What's New
What's New

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our "Myntra Marketplace Integration Platform" (MMIP). A modernized platform containing information on REST APIs that enables developers to programmatically access and exchange data with the Myntra systems. With the launch of the MMIP, existing sellers will have access to all the newly introduced upgrades, and aspiring sellers will have access to the required support needed to integrate with Myntra at their fingertips. For a faster response, we have established a special channel for addressing portal-related questions.

Features we have introduced

1. Reconciliation APIs Suite - Recon now made self-serve!

Excited to announce the launch of a suite of “Reconciliation APIs” that will help our partners solve day to day recon queries/ issues related to Inventory, Order status and Return status in a self-serve way. This will eliminate the need of relying on manual reconciliation methods being used today

The objective of Reconciliation APIs is to give sellers the control of reconciling the most crucial information related to Catalog, Inventory, Order status and Return status.

  • Catalog Reconciliation APIs

    Status - Live!

    The details of the APIs can be found here - API Document

    This section focuses on catalog/ listing visibility & lookup features using APIs. Currently the lookups are possible but it is manual in nature by downloading the reports from partner portal

    • Fetch Product Listing

      It provides details of listings submitted & published on Myntra basis several filters. For example, fetch all active listings for Myntra

    • Fetch Product Details

      It provides catalog information details/ all attributes of a SKU or group of SKUs

  • Inventory Reconciliation API

    This API can be used by a seller/partner to fetch current inventory level for a or selected SKUs (batch of 40) across WH/stores.

    Status - Live!

    The details of the APIs can be found here - API Document

    Recommended usage

    • 1. Full inventory reconciliation in conjunction with Listing lookup APIS
      • Get Live SKUs using Catalog reconciliation API-> Fetch Product Listing with status “A”
      • Check inventory for “Active” SKUs using Inventory Recon API
      • Compare Myntra inventory with current inventory snapshot in partner system
      • Repush inventory for SKUs with mis-match
      • Frequency for this reconciliation- Need basis or a week before sale events (EORS/BFD/ HRDs)
      • For SKUs that are live on Myntra but may not be live in seller systems please push “0” inventory & request for deactivation on Myntra in an offline way
    • 2. Reconciliation for Low depth SKU- Inventory mismatch in low depth SKUs at times may lead to excess orders.

      It is recommended to reconcile inventory for SKUs inventory less than 5 on a need basis using this API. The frequency can be increased on high revenue days (Eg. EORS, HRDs) and is highly recommended

      • Identify low inventory depth SKUs in the seller / partner system (Eg. Inv<5)
      • Look up style status for these SKUs using Catalog reconciliation API
      • Look up Myntra Inventory for the live SKUs using Inventory Recon API
      • Compare both the inventory levels and re push inventory in case of mismatch
      • For SKUs that are live on Myntra but may not be live in seller systems please push “0” inventory & request for deactivation on Myntra in an offline way
    • 3. Stale inventory- It is seen at times that positive inventory is available in Myntra systems for certain old discontinued SKUs as sellers did not delist these styles on Myntra. This leads to Myntra taking up orders for discontinued SKUs

      Hence, it is always advisable to push zero inventory in the Myntra system before discontinuing any style/ SKU. If not done pls take the following steps

      • Identify zero inventory/ discontinued SKUs in seller system
      • Look up inventory for these SKUs in Myntra using Inventory Recon API
      • Repush zero inventory in case of mismatch
      • Frequency - Need basis (Recommended before HRDs)
      • Request deactivation of SKU/ Style in Myntra in an offline manner
    • Self serve mechanism to debug styles/SKUs not live despite inventory push
      • Catalog not live: check catalog status and Seller Approved status using Catalog reconciliation API and take action as per the status
      • In case of error in inventory push:
        • Invalid Warehouse- This is a config error. Seller should reach out to Myntra SPOC to get the configs corrected
        • Invalid SKU- This is a SKU mapping error. Seller should reach out to Myntra SPOC to get the SKU mapped to seller
  • Return Reconciliation API

    With the returns reconciliation APIs, sellers can now fetch returns in a time period to reconcile the missing returns and/or to resolve return status mismatch issues.

    This unlocks the self-serve for below use cases/issues faced by the sellers

    • Missing return IDs in seller systems for returns where physical packages are received by the sellers
    • Mismatch in return status with Myntra systems leading to issues in return processing by the sellers

    Status - Go-live - 30 Sep’21

    The details of the APIs can be found here - API Document

    Proposed implementation

    • For making the seller return processing seamless, on seller scan of return ID/Return tracking number recommendation is to add fallback to fetch the return details from Myntra systems using Get Returns by ID API. This would help to resolve the issues where returns are missing in seller systems but physical packages are received by sellers
    • Recommended to reconcile all returns on a fixed interval basis(weekly/monthly) using Get returns list to identify any missed returns or status mismatch issues. The missing returns can be then fetched via Get returns by ID API


    Applicable to both PPMP Warehouse and Omni stores

  • Order Reconciliation API

    With the order reconciliation API sellers can now reconcile the order data in a time period to reconcile missing orders and/or to resolve order status mismatch with the Myntra systems

    Status - 30 Sep’21

    The details of the APIs can be found here - API Document


    Available for PPMP Warehouse only (not for Omni stores)

2. Listing Upload APIs

API Document: Link

Status - Live!

Currently, listing submission in Myntra is manual wherein, sellers upload catalog manually on DIY portal of Partner Portal. The objective of these APIs is to help brands and retailers take control of their own listings at scale & maximizing the sales potential for each style by ensuring it goes live the same day as it launches.

  • Submission APIs

    This section focuses on the submission related features ensuring listings can be submitted in an automated manner and their job/style level statuses can be looked up. This will also provide intermittent cataloging status and errors.

    • Listing Submission API

      Upload catalog file to DIY using API. The catalog files should be in Myntra format and have less than 20 rows in each file. It will return a task id in response, which will be used to check subsequent statuses.

    • Fetch Task Status

      Retrieve status of tasks submitted using the submission API.

    • Fetch Style Status

      This reports intermittent style status of submitted styles

3. Updates in Order & Return API

  • Warehouse addition in Create Returns API

    Status - This is currently live!

    Myntra supports both return to origin or at WH for RTO/RTV, the existing “Create Return API” will be enhanced to provide warehouse id to which return will be redirected.

    Additional Parameter - returnWarehouseCode!

    Link to API Returns API

    This change streamlines the reconciliation flow for handling below use cases

    • Enable returns inwarding for all stores of a seller at a particular warehouse location instead of individual stores, or
    • Enable returns inwarding at specific allowed store locations which can either be the same or different store from the order origin
  • ‘Lost’ status in Update order API

    Status - Go- live 15 Sep’21

    The details of the APIs can be found here - API Document

    Order API to contain an additional status update of ‘Lost’. This status is applicable to Orders which are handed over by the sellers but Lost in Myntra logistics leg.

    This status should not be considered as a terminal status. Post Lost order can transition to Shipped , Delivered or RTO.

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